Primary data source: Dataset
Secondary data source: Web API
The API will provide the following to the user:
- Cast and crew's relation to the movies | Which high grossing films an actor stars in?
- General movie information | What movie whose director is also an actor?
- Movie rating and statistics | What are top grossing movies with low rating?
- Availability in streaming platform | Which movie is available on Netflix but was in theatre?
- Secondary data source
pm 2.5
rainfall forecast in 3 hours
uv index
- What will your API provide to users?
How can we protect from the precipitation?
Forecast's information
Primary Data: Humidity in soil, Light and Temperature from Kidbright
Secondary Data: Co2 Signal(
and TMD (
Co2 Signal - carbon in air (carbonIntensity)
TMD - rainfall in 3 hours (rainfall)
Primary source: Questionnaire
- We ask people about their food consumption in their daily life to visualize their average nutrition.
Secondary sources:
Spoonacular API (
Nutritionix API (
Lifesum (
Questions to answer:
- Average consumption of food calories by Gender, Age
- Food Recommendations based on age weight and gender and Nutrition Information
- Workout Recommendation for a specified calories of food
Datasource (Secondary)
- Kaggle (Spotify Chart)
- Kaggle (Historical daily weather 2020)
- Spotify API
- Does temperature affect the type of music that people listening?
- Does rain affect the type of music that people listening?
Our project has a purpose to find the relation between temperature and water/electricity usage. The solution to measure the electricity is by using the SCT-013
and water by using the YF-S201 modules . Then we will get the temperature by using data from the third-party api.
Lastly, We will convert data in to the graph to show the relationship of how temperature effect used of electricity and water usage.
To analyze the information from steam players, twitch viewer, google trends Interest and twitter tweets to see the trends between games in each platform.
We used 4 secondary data sources with 3 api and 1 web scraper.
1. current player by game from steam server (api)
2. tweets count by game tag from twitter (api)
3. twitch viewer count by game (api)
4. google trends of game searches (web scraper)
Our APIs are provided.
1. Get all game names(12 games).
2. Get Google interest by searching the game Hourly and Daily.
3. Get Steam game player by game Hourly and Daily.
4. Get Twitch viewers by game Hourly and Daily.
5. Get game Tweets Hourly and Daily.
6. Get game Interest(by sending all 4 data sources) Hourly and Daily.
We want to give users informations to help users make decision for buying bitcoin
- correlation bitcoin price and tweet mentions bitcoin.
- correlation between withdraw and deposit of bitcoin in uniswap exchange
- ratio of withdraw/deposit per time period
- correlation between lending and borrow
- number of tweet count per day
- bitcoin price at peak of tweet count
and more.. if possible
Primary Data:
-Province from user
-COVID patient around user province area
( )
[ Population of each province ]
( )
Secondary Data:
-Daily weather of the user province
-Air quality of the user province(AQI)
( )
-Hospital or COVID center that accept the covid-19 patient
[ All hospital in Thailand ]
( )
[ Only in Bangkok ]
( )
The application will represent the covid-19 patient around the user area, daily weather in the area and the pm2.5 in the area. So user can avoid the high risk of covid-19 infected place and illustrate the hospital or center in case user already infected and show the area of the low air quality so user can avoid to heal their lung and so on.
Slide presentation:
What are your primary and secondary data sources?
- Primary data sources: form
- Secondary data sources: Restaurant data, Faculty data, Menu data
What will your API provide to users?
- Recommended menu
- Popular menus
- Nearest Restaurant around you
- Our primary data sources are from our webpage which collect the messenger number from webpage and record population in the database.
- Our secondary data are from KU webpage that contains bus number, routes and bus stops for the Talai bus in Kasetsart university. For the weather, we collect temperature, windspeed for each geolocation of Talai bus stop from Temperature, humidity, pm2.5 vaue for each bus stop from IQair. And also the another secondary is PM2.5 data from
- Our API provide which bus number should user use from Station A to Station B and weather data for station that user selected. And also weather data visualization around the Talai bus stops.
Primary data: Questionnaire
Your age&gender?
What Food you prefer?
What is ingredient you don't want to be in your plate?
Do you have food allergy?
Secondary data:
Rapid API : menu, ingredients, calorie, fat rate
1. suggest food based on users' decisions. the web will provide a filter function and users have to pick up menus.
2. What is the most picked dish from your gender & age
3. If you eat the menu that you pick. You have to work out for how long?
4. Chart shows how much fat each age & sex tends to gain based on the menu they picked.
All data sources used are secondary data source.
We use TAT API for information regarding tourist attractions. After getting the location, it will be used to determine weather condition and air quality in the area.
Our project will show the Cryptocurrencies information that helpful to user who want to check news for trading
Primary data sources: Cruptocurrency price
Secondary data sources: Cryptocurrency news
API provide: Check the news and symbol of that cryptocurrency that what the current price, close price, open price, market cap and take the trend from author's news